Be Brave & Run
Get to know the causes we are supporting this year in our Christmas solidarity race

You surely know that on the 30th ofDecember we will celebrate our particular San Silvestre race: BeBrave & Run.

This will be the 7th year that the Hotel PrincesaYaiza organizes this solidarity race, whose funds will go entirely to thefoundation Creciendo Yaiza and to AsperCan.

Do you know these organizations?Today we would like to give you some information about each one of them, sothat you can learn more about the background and their work, and - if youhaven't already signed up - encourage you to run with us for a good cause thepenultimate day of the year.

Be Brave & Run: Creciendo Yaiza and AsperCan

Association Creciendo Yaiza. This NGO was born in 2013, due to the union ofseveral parents with children with special educational needs. They were forcedto move to the island's capital, more than 30 km from their homes, in order toaccess appropriate therapies and activities. This situation led to thefoundation of the association in the municipality of Yaiza, which has setitself the goal of offering these young people various educational, sports,leisure and therapy opportunities according to their needs. In the meantime,they also advise families and carry out an important task in awareness raising,information, standardisation and integration. If, in addition to participate inthe race, you would like to make a donation, to be a volunteer or tocollaborate with them becoming a member, please do not hesitate to consulttheir web.

AsperCan. TheCanarian Asperger Association was born in 2005, with the aim of defending therights of people with this syndrome. Asperger is a severe developmentaldisorder of neurobiological origin. Like the previous association, it was bornbecause of the concern of several family members who did not see their needscovered by the existing health and social structure. Its objective is the earlydiagnosis, treatment, education and personal development of those who sufferfrom this syndrome. Seeking also their full social and labor integration,preventing discrimination and promoting activities, services and resources forall affected. Of course, you can also collaborate with the association directlyas a volunteer or by making a donation. Do not hesitate to visit their webto find out how you can help.

Sign up now! Wehave decided to cooperate with these associations by organizing this race,collecting funds and contributing to the public awareness of their needs. Theregistration fee is 10 €, which will be donated entirely to both foundations.On thewebsite Princesa YaizaSolidaria you can sign up directly for this good cause. If you wouldlike to make a donation, but do not want to run or cannot run with us, justregister with the "starting number 0". The idea of solidarity is foreveryone! Stay up to date with all the latest news about the race and join our Facebookgroup, which we created especially for this event.

Would you like to say goodbye to theold year in top form and also support a good cause? Then "Be Brave &Run"! We are looking forward to seeing you!
