But why does the practice of yoga give us such a stateof well-being? In present society, we usually live life too fast and we havelittle time to listen to our body, and much less time to connect and create astate of inner peace.

Yoga is a daily chance to connect with our deepestself, to make room in our lives and find a state of calm through bodyconsciousness and active listening.

The first way of connection is given through consciousbreathing. It is the first step to increase relaxation and connect with ourinner state. Its importance is such that during a whole yoga session we work onthe different types of breathing, as ujjayi breathing or the pranayamaexercises, which have immediate effect on our body: generating heat or cold oractivating both sides of our brain.

Not only does yoga teach us to breath correctly, whichhas a direct effect on how we manage high-stress situations and balances ournervous system, lowering heart rate; but it also helps us to get rid of stressand tensions due to the reduction in the levels of cortisol, the stresshormone.

But do not think yoga is a lax sport at all; the‘asanas’ -postures- help us improve flexibility, so protecting our bones andreducing the risk of muscle lesions, besides improving agility. Thanks to thecombination of dynamism and resistance, both our strength and physical powerare increased since we work out all muscle groups.

Other of the multiple benefits of yoga are its healingcapacity and the power to strengthen the immunological system, helping us toalleviate illness and teaching us to take energy to the affected parts of thebody.

Because of all this, we have incorporated a new Yogasession at our SportCentre Princesa Yaiza, and from here we encourage you to practiceand experiment this wonderful exercise with our teacher Paulina, who will guideyou through your practice and will help you to reach a relaxing state ofhappiness.

Anyway, beyond what we can tell you about yoga, theonly way of proving its benefits is practising it and experiencing by yourselfhow it makes you feel. You will check that nothing compares to the sensation ofwell-being that yoga produces!
